
Thursday, March 29, 2007

So what's this blog all about

Why would you want to keep coming back day after day? Well, this is what I want out of this blog, which is hopefully the same thing that future parents will want also:
  • Most importantly, my thoughts and memories of life during pregnancy! You know, a 21st Century diary and all that good stuff
  • I am going to keep track of everything that we do for the baby. Doctor visits? Documented. Cost for a crib? Documented. We need a stroller and I will inevitably be researching for the best ones and the best prices, so why not share that information with all of you? We only want the best for our child and I know everyone reading this feels the same way. So why not bring it all together for everyone?
  • Questions and answers. As we have questions and get answers, I will post them for everyone to see and use. By the time 9 months roll around, this blog will have tons of information for expecting parents.
But let me also clarify the audience here. It's really for any voyeuristic person interested in finding out how a young couple, used to late nights of partying, dinner at nice DC restaurants with ambiance, and spur of the moment trips to Europe, adapt to life at stage 3.0! So enjoy!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

In the beginning

As far as I'm concerned, life has three stages (versions in computer parlance) -

Version 1 - You're a kid and you grow up. Ohhh to go back to those days....
Version 2 - You get married. Life changes completely when you enter this stage
Version 3 - One day, you hear or say two words that you'll never forget "I'm pregnant". Again, life changes completely...

That's about it, that's life in a nutshell. I recently reached version 3 and heard those two words the other day, and guess what? I have no problem moving onto this new branch of the tree of life.

So why am I telling you all this? Well, because I had this idea. The idea is to document and share all these new changes my wife and I are about to experience with YOU - the rest of the world. Everyone who is going through or will be going through version 3 of life can read along and join us in this new adventure. Not only the experiences, but everything associated with having a new baby - finances, the ups & downs, everything. I plan to inform you guys about all the new and exciting things from babyland - cribs, toys, formula. Plus, I'm one of those people who researches to the Nth degree to make sure I have all the necessary information to make the correct decisions. When it comes to a new baby, believe me... the more the research the better. Why not share it with all of you?